Fun Things to Do in New England in Summer 2024

Residents and tourists alike believe that New England is one of the best places to be. New Englanders are fortunate enough to experience the beauty of all four seasons. However, there is an undeniable charm and excitement that accompanies the arrival of summer in this area. New Englanders eagerly look forward to this time of year when the sun shines brightly, and they can engage in various enjoyable activities.

Here’s a list of some of the best New England summer destinations and great activities for the whole family, whether you want to get away for a weekend or need some rainy-day options.

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Maine all have event calendars that are consistently updated with upcoming events, and Summer 2024 is already looking super fun! You can visit each state’s event calendars below:

Massachusetts Events Calendar

Connecticut Events Calendar

New Hampshire Events Calendar

Rhode Island Events Calendar

Maine Events Calendar

Summer has just begun, and time flies when you’re having fun! With ample time on your side, indulge in weekend getaways or try out exciting new activities. Embrace the season and create unforgettable memories that will be cherished for years to come.